About Cat

Welcome to my site! I truly appreciate you stopping by and hanging out with me! Together we are going to get you moving into a new and empowered life! I hope you are as excited as I am to begin your journey!


Like anyone else, I didn’t start all empowered and transformed into a successful and fulfilling life. I had to learn (and am always learning) how to first discover my issues, how to re-train my mind, and then how to repeat the process every time I found another issue pop up – all without becoming upset that I have to repeat the process.
From birth, our society, family, education, entertainment, and many other sources are all feeding us information that informs our subconscious to believe certain ideas. When we watch those around us believing the same ideas, we perceive these ideas as facts. Often those concepts will contradict each other, leading to confusion and frustration in life. We find ourselves saying “it should – or shouldn’t – be like this”, all because we believed some idea, and then set up expectations based on that idea.

Like anyone else I experience these feelings too. We find ourselves in an unhappy circumstance, so we try to change them, but falter when we are afraid the new idea will be just as bad – or worse. Then we feel stuck, paralyzed, unsure what to do.

I had to untie my knots and learn HOW to recognize when I was acting on a story (a belief) that didn’t really have any base in reality. Beliefs turned out to be just short-cuts to concepts someone told me, that someone told them, that someone told them, on and on. Like a game of “Telephone”, there was nothing to say that the idea I had in my head, that I believed, was anything like the original concept (or even that it applied to me, now, in today’s world).

That was a serious eye-opener for me, at first, that I could have a belief that wasn’t actually fact. I began to separate the definitions: the terms “Belief” and “Fact”, and “Reality” are not synonymous.   I realized that the majority of beliefs aren’t based on fact or reality, at all! Whoa!

Letting all that go, and starting as fresh as I could, enabled me to start transforming my own life. I could now relax into being myself. I could start being truly present to the amazing world around me. And then I started blossoming. Then my world started responding to the new way I was being. Like dominoes, it all began falling into place, step by step, into a life I would never have thought possible when I began.

Bonus, this beautiful life that has unfolded for me, is naturally affecting those around me. Just by being near me, they get to benefit from my magical life, likewise, I benefit from their beautiful experiences. Synergy takes place, automatically lifting us all up. Momentum happens and we all continue to benefit more, faster, bigger.

Since I’m a long way from done, I am excited to see where these dominoes will take me…


So you may be thinking, “That’s great for you Cat. But you’re not me.” At least, That’s the kind of thought I would have had, after reading the above story. Part of me would have desperately wanted the same for myself, but then a large part of me would be skeptical, and wondered how much of this lady’s success was luck, or who she knew, or any number of cynical possibilities – and most people considered me a very positive person. But it was super hard for me to see that this kind of life change was even possible. And from that point in my life, crossing the gap between that life and this – in one or two steps – really was impossible.

But it turned out that it was more than just “possible”, it really happened!

There is no difference between you and me.
I didn’t know anyone special, didn’t have the extra money, didn’t have tons of time, didn’t have whatever you are afraid might separate your success from mine. The only thing I was given was an opportunity to look at life differently than I had been. I took that opportunity and just kept taking the next tiny step forward.

I’m passionate about helping YOU, yes I mean you, take this opportunity as well! I’m willing to help you find your footing and encourage you to take that next step – just like I did. Then you, yes YOU, can live a life you can’t even imagine right now (really).


This site is to help take away overwhelm and fear associated with change, especially big changes. We will lay a foundation starting with a blank canvas. With an open mind, we will consciously and carefully decide what beliefs you want to have. Your choice this time, not just random and subliminal thoughts, but customized by you. We will help you take on these new ideas, try them on like a shirt at the store, then keep only what you want.

Each of us are different, each of us have a unique path, I will simply put the tools for transformation before you and teach you how to use them. You will use the tools you want to use, growing and blossoming in your own unique way.

One day, when you have outgrown my site, my goal is that you will have a radically different life. Plus, the bonus I hope you will experience is that the synergy with your loved ones will be just as fabulous as mine!

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave to leave a comment below, or reach out to me another way and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Cat Johnston